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School Uniform

Southery Academy has a uniform which we expect all children to wear.


The uniform consists of:

  • black or grey trousers or skirt
  • white buttoned shirt
  • academy tie
  • academy jumper with the academy logo
  • For year 6, a black blazer with the academy logo is also required.
  • Uniform can either be ordered through the academy office or direct with our suppliers, Stratfords. Non-branded clothes are allowed as long as they match the school colours. 
  • Book bags can be bought from Stratfords ready for when they join the academy.
  • Jeans and jewellery are not considered suitable for school wear. Stud  earrings are the only types acceptable and for safety reasons these must be removed for PE and swimming activities. Hair is expected to be tied up at all times.
Physical Education (PE) uniform

For PE, pupils need:

  • plimsolls
  • black shorts
  • academy polo shirt

For safety reasons trainers are not allowed for indoor activities, but may be worn for outside sessions.

Please provide a named bag for PE kits - a P.E bag in your child's team colour with academy logo is available from Stratfords. PE kits should be brought to school on Monday and taken home on Friday each week.

Please make sure all items of clothing and shoes are named.

There is new DfE guidance for school uniform available: click here for further information. 

Our uniform supplier is Stratford’s where you can buy direct at the following address:

Unit 6 Hamburg Way

North Lynn Industrial Estate

Kings Lynn


PE30 2ND