Frequently asked questions
In addition to our regular newsletters, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and our answers that we hope you find useful, whether your son or daughter is currently at Southery Academy, or you are considering us for your child’s education.
If you have a question that isn’t listed here, please contact us, and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, please call our reception, where a member of staff will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.
My son or daughter is unwell and will not be attending today. How do I report this to the academy?
If your child is ill and cannot attend school please phone us as soon as possible on the first day of absence. If the absence is longer than one day we ask parents to phone us each day to update us. We monitor attendance and procedures are followed where attendance becomes an issue. Authorised absence includes illness and medical appointments.
Our expectation is that pupil attendance will be 95% and above.
My son or daughter is going to be late. How do I report this to the academy?
If your child is going to be late arriving at school please phone us to let us know. Where a child arrives late they must be brought to the main academy reception so that we can register that they have arrived.
What happens if my son or daughter has a dentist/doctor appointment during the day?
We ask parents, were possible, to arrange routine appointments outside of school time so that children do not miss valuable time in class. However, we understand there are occasions where appointments have to take place during the school day.
If your child has to go out of school at any time during the school day for an appointment please let us know. When collecting your child during the day for an appointment please come to the main reception and we will collect them from the class for you.
What is the procedure for asking the academy to grant my son or daughter exceptional leave of absence?
As you may be aware, new Government guidelines have made it clear that head teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Exceptional circumstance may be:
- Families of armed forces personnel returning from a tour of duty
- Police or other service personnel whose leave has been cancelled during academy holidays, such as occurred during the London Olympic Games
- A family funeral
Please be aware that these guidelines are set by the Government, not schools and if you decide to take your child out of the academy during term time unauthorised, you may receive a penalty notice.
If you wish your child to be considered for a leave of absence, then please call into the Academy Office for a form. Our expectation is that pupil attendance will be 95% and above.
What time does the academy open and close, and how is the school day structured?
Our school gates open at 8.40am with the expectation that children should be in class by 8.50am. Gates open for pickup at 3.10pm.
How much homework should my child be doing?
Your child will be given homework at times which relates to work they are doing in class. This may be some further reading, to find something out or a worksheet. Homework should not be more than 30 minutes a night but please speak to your child’s class teacher for information on what is expected or if you have any concerns.
How do I know if my son or daughter is making enough progress?
Each term, you receive information on your child’s progress either through a written report or verbally at a parents meeting with the class teacher. At parents’ evenings you can book to see your child’s class teacher and talk about their progress and how they are getting on at school. We have an open door policy and are happy for parents to come in and talk to class teachers at the beginning of the day or to make an appointment for a longer discussion. The children themselves will know what level they are working at, what their targets are and what they need to do to achieve them.
In the reception class, assessment is on a number of different areas of progress and a record is kept for each child to which parents are actively encouraged to contribute.
We want parents to contact the teachers so we can support each other with home learning. Parents can be supported by teachers modelling what needs to be taught and how. This can help parents to know what their children are currently learning and how that they can support them at home.
Where do I drop my child off if I am driving them to the academy?
Unfortunately, there is limited parking available for parents directly outside the academy and we ask parents to park in nearby streets or where possible walk to the school to drop off or collect their children.
My child will need 'school meals' at the academy - how does this work?
Families can either send their child with a packed lunch (no fizzy drinks or cans please) or make use of the school meals provided on site. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a school meal under the governments Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme.
Families in receipt of Income Support, Employment Support Allowance (Income Related), Support Under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 (April 2013) may be eligible for free school dinners. The Free School Meals team can be contacted on 01603 222518 or 01603 223051 for further advice and guidance.
My son or daughter needs to take medication - how is this managed at the academy?
Please let us know about any medical conditions your child may have and remember to inform us of any changes.
We are able to administer prescribed medicines at the academy, providing that the child concerned is otherwise fit enough to be at school. These can only be administered if a consent form has been signed, which is available from the office. Please ensure that you:
– Only provide medicines with a prescription label on the container which clearly shows your child’s name and the time and size of the dose.
– Leave the medicine and form with a member of staff at the academy reception
Children suffering from asthma can keep inhalers close at hand – please print their name on the inhaler, and make sure we have details about the circumstances when your child may need to use it.
If I wanted to speak to a School Nurse is there someone I can contact?
There is a service provided in Norfolk and you can contact the School Nurse Single Point of Referral team on the following telephone number: 01362 654916.
How do I give feedback on Southery Academy?
Ofsted’s Parent View website allows you to give your views and read the results of previous parent questionnaires.
We will also conduct questionnaires at certain points of the year with both parents and children to ensure that we listen to all stakeholders and use any feedback to help improve the school further.
Our staff are always happy to talk to parents about our school both about what we are doing well and what you would like us to improve. If you have any feedback that you would like a response to, please come in and talk to us or book an appointment.