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attendance and Absence

The law requires all parents to ensure that their child attends school regularly.

Research has shown that children often do not catch up on work missed, which can have serious consequences for their learning and progress. The Government is very clear that all schools must aim to have the highest attendance possible for all their pupils in order for them to achieve their maximum potential.

A pupil who has attendance of 85% or less with at least 15% unauthorised absence over a 6 week period or 9 consecutive sessions unauthorised absence, will meet the criteria for legal intervention which will be in the form of a Fixed Penalty Notice. Pupils at Southery Academy who meets either criteria, will be referred to the Local Authority for action to be considered.

If a fixed penalty notice is issued it is a fine of £80 per parent per child which must be paid in one payment in 21 days. If unpaid a further invoice for £60 per parents per child is issued, both individual invoices would then have to be paid making a total payment of £160 in 28 days.

Failure to pay the total amount within the timescale will result in legal action being taken.

Rigorous attendance checks take place on a regular basis and parents of children either meeting, or are near to the above criteria will be invited into school to discuss how their child’s attendance can be improved.

Please consider what your child will be missing out on and remember that holidays taken in term time will NOT be authorised.

Our aim is to ensure that our pupils receive the most from their education and we hope we can count on your support in this matter. Please help us and your child by ensuring attendance remains above 95%, allowing them to achieve their potential. 

For EMAT and EmnethAcademy absence information please refer to the absence policy on our policy and documents page. 

Absence reporting

Daily checks are in place to ensure the safety of our children so please make sure that we are informed before the start of the school day if you expect your child to be absent or late. You can inform us by telephone or email.

All parents of children absent from school without explanation will be contacted so it is important that we are informed in such instances.

Children are expected to be in their classes ready for registration at 8:45 am. Any child arriving after this time will be officially marked as ‘late’.

Parents have an obligation to ensure their child attends school regularly, and on time. Please bear in mind the effect being late has not only on your own child, but the negative impact such disruption can cause on your child’s class too. If a child is 10 minutes late every school day they will miss a staggering 5 days of school over a year.

Authorised absences

Parents and carers have a legal duty to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school. The the law forbids the school from authorising any holiday in term time and a parent who takes a child out of school for a holiday of 5 consecutive days or more will face a Fixed Penalty Notice. If a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued it is a fine of £60 per parent, per child, which must be paid in one payment within 21 days. If unpaid a further invoice for £60 per parent, per child, is issued. Both individual invoices would then have to be paid making a total payment of at least £120 in 28 days. Failure to pay the total amount within the timescale will result in legal action being taken. This may then lead to criminal court proceedings which could result in further fines and a criminal record.

Exceptional absences can be applied for at the discretion of the Principal. The application should be made well in advance (at least two weeks) and parents/carers are strongly advised to apply for leave of absence before they confirm any arrangements. Under no circumstances will absences for family holidays in term time be authorised. 

Is My Child Well Enough For School? 

For further information you can click on the link here

How does attendance affect a child's learning?